The Tuawera Longboard Classic

From the get-go we had an idea in mind and we wanted to bring that idea to fruition so In November 2021 we all came together and started planning and within a month we were organising our first event. The idea of the competition was to remove the stigma of competition and focus on the fun and connections you can create at a competition! We wanted a cost-effective competition where friends could hang out and have fun and do. what we all love, surfing!

The Tuawera Longboard Classic

For all ages, races, genders, backgrounds, and just darn right good humans!

Whanonga Pono (Our Values)

The Tuawera Longboard Classic has always been a competition based on friendship and connection. It started with three mates who went to every surf competition together and felt something was missing. We wanted that old-school club comp vibes back! Sit around the beach with a beer no pressure and just have a great time with mates! Sure we all want to win but we don’t care if we don’t…

Charlie Wise


Charlie being one of the top longboarders on the South Island Circuit at the moment is a great addition to the team. He resides on the esplanade of sumner with our comp area as his back yard! Bringing an element of fun, seriousness and quick thinking to our team Charlie fits right in.

Jack Tyro


Jack being one of the top longboarders and shortboarders in New Zealand is a huge name to have on our team. Jack has been around the comp scene since before he could even say wave. He resides on the Taylor’s side of Scarborough Hill. Scoring waves and frothing is Jacks main focus.

He aha ta tatou mahi (what we do)

We create an environment as stress-free as possible and allow people to focus on being present with others. Surfing is just a way to bring in a collective of people we understand. From there we try through our own personal experiences to make a great weekend that people can really dig their teeth into!

Will Jamieson


Will got in to surfing as a release when times got tough. Surfing was like a kind of therapy for him. He has always surrounded himself with the ocean and is very passionate about te moana. That’s why when Will and the boys were planning this event they saw so many benefits in it and couldn’t wait! He reside’s in Brighton and dabbles in contests but loves to free surf and chat with mates out the back.